Ensure that your customers from Australia, Oceania and Asia will reach you online as quickly as possible

If your resource–hungry multimedia websites are targeted at site visitors who come from Australia, Oceania or Asia, then you can certainly consider the AU datacenter option available on our order form. Amaze is amongst the best–connected facilities in the country and at the moment hosts the sites of Australia’s leading telecoms, government and financial organizations. It gives you fantastic hosting conditions for your websites and will guarantee the best possible web browsing experience to your visitors.

Within the AU datacenter, you’ll be able to host all types of traffic–intensive websites. We give you a selection of VPS Web Hosting offers to select from and they all offer a 99.9% network uptime guarantee and require no setup costs at all. Also, our expert admins will ensure the security of your information by creating routine off–site backup copies.


 CPU Core(s)
 Disk Space
 Monthly Traffic

AU Cloud Website Hosting

Within our AU datacenter you’ll also find regular cloud website hosting plans packages. It is the most suitable choice in case you wish to host an uncomplicated personal website and do not want to invest a lot of money. All AU Cloud Website Hosting packages have unlimited disk space and traffic quotas in order to let your site evolve freely and in addition they all include a totally free domain name registration or transfer. In addition, all AU Cloud Website Hosting packages include our Web Site Control Panel.