Managed Servers

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Keeping an eye on a virtual server is a hard process. You either have to do the job on your own , in other words devote your time to looking after your Virtual Private Server, or you need to arrange a third–party tool whose only task will be to monitor your VPS. And that is precisely where our Managed Servers offer can comes in real handy. Thanks to it, your VPS server will be included in our own custom–built monitoring software system, which will keep track of all the critical tasks. And in case of a service trouble, our server admins will be notified immediately and they will solve the trouble ASAP.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • When you manage a high–traffic site or a data–heavy web app, it’s of crucial importance to maintain a full backup copy of everything. Still, configuring an automated backup solution is difficult. For this reason, our company offers you our Managed Servers package – we promise to maintain a full backup of your VPS web hosting plan, not only of your websites and hosted content, but of all the custom settings that you have added. Our backup scripts are run every week, preserving all the modifications that you’ve made during that period of time.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • In case you’d like your virtual server to have video streaming or video conversion capabilities, you need to install & set up special software programs on it. And if this seems like something far too difficult for you, then our Installation & Troubleshooting solution, an integral part of our Managed Servers offer, is the ideal thing for you. With it, you will have the complete and uninterrupted attention of one of our expert server admins who will install any software package or solve any trouble that you are having with your Virtual Private Server.

    The Managed Servers package is bundled with most of our OpenVZ VPS Web Hosting Plans. With our KVM VPS Web Hosting Plans, it is an optional feature.

Avalable with all our VPS Servers