SSH Access

Cost-free SSH access for your server

With our Semi-dedicated 2 server setup you’ll have SSH access to the server, included totally free. This way, it will be easy for you to instantly access the server’s terminal and communicate straight with the machine, without having to makes use of the Web Site Control Panel.

Due to the specific nature of the semi-dedicated hosting plans, the SSH access privileges will not give you server root privileges. You are able to interact with your data files, databases, email and every little thing connected with your sites, nevertheless, you aren’t able to modify the server’s settings.

SSH Access

24x7 Support

Contact us round–the–clock

You may let us know round–the–clock with any questions that you can have concerning our semi-dedicated hosting plans. Don’t hesitate to get in touch via mail and by the ticketing platfrom and we will reply back to you in about 1 hour. In reality, our normal response time period is as low as 20 min. On working days, you might phone us or use the live chat system on our online store.

24x7 Support

Free Dedicated IP

Complimentary dedicated IP address for your machine

A totally-free dedicated IP address is included as an extra feature with the Semi-dedicated 2 plan. You’re able to use it to register your very own name servers that can resolve to your individual IP address or to promptly setup an SSL certificate for your web site.

You’ll be able to employ the dedicated IP immediately after you access your Web Site Control Panel. In addition, it is easy to ask for extra IP addresses through the Web Site Control Panel. We have tried our utmost to present you with the best costs available on the market.

Free Dedicated IP

Data Backups

Your site information can be recovered at any moment

No site is secured from hacker attacks or from unintended content deletion on your side. With our data backup services, we are ready to get back your site content at any moment. Aside from the scheduled server backup copies that we generate, you could on your own create manual backups of your site content material with a mouse–click from the File Manager section of your Web App Installer. Simply create an archive file of the directories that you need to manually backup and place it in a location in your hosting account that of your choice.

Data Backups

  • Service guarantees

  •’s semi-dedicated hosting plans are put together for you free–of–charge. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access. 100–percent–free Control Panel bundled.
  • Compare our prices

  • Evaluate our semi-dedicated hosting plans to see which package will provide you with the assets and features you want to control your growing websites.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Contact us at any time by email or via our Control Panel built–in ticketing platform. 1–hour response time frame warranty.