Being able to seamlessly administer your domain names is rather important and can boost your user experience as a hosting client. The platforms that many companies use are not very easy to use, so you can often find yourself in a situation where you need to switch between different admin consoles to carry out a certain task, even if you have one domain. Not only is this awkward, but it also takes much more time and energy compared to having one unified Control Panel tool where you can access everything you need without signing in and out all the time. For example, registering a brand-new domain, hosting it and uploading the website files associated with it entails the use of at least 2 separate admin interfaces, especially if you are using the most popular hosting platforms out there.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Cloud Website Hosting

If you order a cloud website hosting plan from our company, you’ll be granted access to a feature-loaded Domain Manager, which is integrated into our all-inclusive Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You will be able to register a brand-new domain name and then to park it or host it, to add Whois Privacy Protection or to modify its WHOIS details with only several mouse clicks. Using fast-access buttons, you’ll also be able to create a subdomain, an e-mail account or a database, to see web traffic statistics, to access the web files or to get a brand new Secure Sockets Layer certificate. All functions are conveniently grouped and are accessible in one single place, which will save you lots of time, so you’ll never have to sign out of the Domain Manager. You will not experience any difficulties, since we have included how-to articles and tutorial videos to demonstrate the full capacity of our domain management tool.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with every semi-dedicated server package that we offer, is an all-in-one tool, which will give you absolute command over your account and which includes our feature-rich Domain Manager. It allows you to administer everything associated with the domain names in the account – both the hosted and the registered ones. The most crucial options are all there – you can register or renew a domain name, activate Whois Privacy Protection for it, park and redirect it or edit its WHOIS info. The Domain Manager, however, is much more than just a list of your domains, plus a few ordinary functions. It is a cutting-edge tool, within which you will discover fast-access buttons, using which you can effortlessly create a database or an e-mail address, access the website files associated with a certain domain name or keep track of in-depth visitor statistics and access logs. Albeit powerful, the Domain Manager is intuitive, so it can be used by people with little-to-no practical experience.