RAM is an abbreviation for Random Access Memory. This is a kind of computer memory, that, different from other storage devices including harddrives or DVDs, permits the info to be accessed directly without reading the previous content located inside it. Anytime a program is started, it's stored inside the RAM, since it can be accessed much more quickly than if it was read from another media device. With regard to the web hosting service itself, extra RAM means that more web apps can operate at the same time on a certain web server, especially if they're resource-demanding and are accessed by a large amount of people concurrently. Unlike a shared web hosting package where the system resources of a particular account could be flexible and often depend on what other end users consume also, a VPS includes a guaranteed amount of RAM that can be used at all times. That memory is assigned to one hosting server only and shall not be used by other customers even if it is not being used.

Guaranteed RAM in VPS Servers

When you acquire a VPS server from our company, you will have a allocated amount of RAM readily available at all times. We set up the VPS accounts on powerful hardware nodes with a lot of physical memory, so the moment a new virtual server is created, the RAM is allotted completely to it based on the particular features of the selected package. We never re-allocate RAM from a VPS which does not use all of its system resources to one which requires more resources, so you shall be able to use the features of your plan at their full capacity all of the time. We create only several VPS accounts on a physical server and we make sure that it has sufficient memory to enable all the customers on it to upgrade the RAM their servers are using without affecting the other accounts.

Guaranteed RAM in Dedicated Servers

If you need a powerful web hosting solution for your Internet sites and applications and you purchase one of the dedicated web hosting plans that we offer you, you'll have a great deal of physical memory available at all times. You will be able to look at the hardware configuration anytime from the billing CP, including the amount of RAM. We test out the memory sticks diligently alongside all the other parts before we use them to put together any web server, so in case you buy one of our plans, you'll get a high-quality server which will guarantee superb efficiency for your Internet sites. Even in case you don't use the entire capacity of the server for an extended length of time, the physical memory will still be available for your web server exclusively.