When you have your own website hosting server, virtual or dedicated, you can launch your own hosting reseller business and to make good money in a niche that grows each and every year. With the increasing necessity for websites, you'll need only 3 things to start - a server; a payment application, that is the connection between your electronic store and the hosting space; and an account with a billing processor, which will enable you to accept online transactions. Since there're ready-made reseller applications available, the usage of your own server provides you with additional control over the software environment. The ability to set up server-side software, for instance, gives you an advantage over competitors and means many more happy clients. Using a standard reseller program, the accounts are generated on a shared server, so no software can be installed and, as a result, some sites may not work efficiently. Having your own reseller company provides you with the chance to generate income, while you can still use the server for your individual websites too.

Reselling Options in VPS Servers

The VPS web hosting plans which we provide come with several website hosting Control Panels to pick from and two of them are ideal for starting your own web hosting business, as they have a customer and a reseller side. DirectAdmin and cPanel are among the most well-liked Control Panels to choose from and they'll allow you to set up everything quickly. All the cPanel-equipped servers feature two more bonuses at no extra cost - a domain name reseller account with eNom - one of the biggest registrars, which does not include the deposit that's otherwise needed when you subscribe directly with them, and a billing/support solution named ClientExec, that will connect your web site to the cPanel reseller account and which will enable you to charge your clients and to provide them support through an incorporated ticketing system. The full root-level accessibility to the virtual server will allow you to do virtually anything you need, so creating and taking care of a prosperous web hosting firm of your own is a quick and easy project.

Reselling Options in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated server packages that we offer will enable you to start your own website hosting company quickly and easily. They feature ample computing power, physical memory and disk space to support a numerous clients, no matter the sort of websites they run. You'll also have root access to the server, so that you will be able to add any server-side app. Our packages include three separate website hosting Control Panels and two of them - cPanel and DirectAdmin, are ideal for your new web hosting company, due to the fact that they have two separate levels - client and reseller. When you obtain the server with cPanel, we will also provide you with a domain name reseller account along with a billing/support solution named ClientExec for free, so that you'll be fully independent and you'll have full control over what's going on with the server and with your customers' websites. If you'd like to take an alternative approach, on the other hand, DirectAdmin will allow you to have resellers of your own who can do the job of finding the end customers, while they pay for the reseller package.